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Exo Journal

During daylight hours, our skin focuses on protecting itself from environmental stressors, while nighttime is dedicated to repair and regeneration.

During the night, our skin undergoes its most intensive regeneration process, with cell turnover rates increasing by up to 300%.

Your skin's behavior and needs fluctuate significantly with changing seasons. Temperature variations, humidity levels, UV exposure, and environmental stressors all play crucial roles in how your skin functions and responds to care.

Skin icing, when performed correctly, can be a valuable addition to a skincare routine. Its benefits for reducing inflammation, temporarily minimizing pore appearance, and enhancing product absorption are supported by basic physiological principles.

While exfoliation can be performed either morning or evening, each timing offers distinct advantages. Your choice should depend on your lifestyle, skin type, and specific skincare goals.

While often misunderstood or overlooked, toners serve as a crucial bridge between cleansing and treatment steps, helping to prepare your skin to receive maximum benefits fromsubsequent products. 

Following these five essential steps can help create a solid foundation for radiant, well-protected skin.